
You Find Out Who Your Friends Are

Hopefully there is a light at the end of the tunnel for the nightmare of the last 3 weeks.  I still can’t believe how things get so spun out of control over a child eavesdropping. Then her mom reports it to social services.  I don’t even know how it all began.  My husband and I have not had an argument in months.  It must have been Him and my daughter yelling over homework.  Well, whatever it was got even more spun up into nasty, unrepeatable accusations against my husband (he can drive me nuts, but he would never do something so disgusting).  It was so humiliating to be called to my kid’s school alone and be greeted by a Child Protective Services worker and a detective.  My knees went weak.

Then, my husband had to move out of the home for 12 days until everything was sorted out.  While he was away, I was called in to meet with the school president and the head of personnel.  They grilled me.  And of course the gossip and rumors started.  People began to treat me like some dumb blind woman in denial, but finally the truth came out. Now people have become kind and supportive.

It still is not over yet, though.  This situation made it all the way to the territorial commander who has the official final say as to whether we can stay.

All is pretty much back to normal except my daughter will NEVER play with the child who started all of this ever again!  I’m just so thankful God revealed the truth.

“But don’t be afraid of those who threaten you. For the time is coming when everything that is covered will be revealed, and all that is secret will be made known to all.” Matthew 10:26