The Good Old Days

I may have been under a rock, but I finally discoverd a page with writing prompts, so I thought I’d give it a try.  One of these prompts said to tell something from your past that you enjoyed from the “good old days”.

I remember back in 1987-88 during my senior year of high school.  My best friend and I had the exact same class schedule.  We were even teacher assistants together during Mr. Grice’s third period class.  We thought he was so HOT. He agreed to let us both be his helpers because we didn’t get in trouble, and he knew we were stuck together like glue.  He didn’t even give us much to do other than go get him a cup of coffee.  We were allowed to sit around in the teaher’s lounge and do homework or whatever we wanted.

I remember there was a popular, cute boy named Jim who was a helper for another teacher during that period.  The cool thing was he had a car and would leave campus to go to Dunkin’ Donuts up the street.  He began to invite us along.  We had many laughs and fun with him and thought we were so cool because we got to hang out with a good looking, popular guy.  We ran into him at our reunion several years ago and talked about the memories.


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